
From a Password Past Towards a Passkey Future: Revolutionising Digital Security

Password Past Towards a Passkey Future

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital technology, the way we secure our information has undergone significant transformations. The traditional reliance on passwords, a concept rooted in the early days of computing, is gradually becoming obsolete. As cyber threats continue to advance in sophistication, the need for a more secure and user-friendly authentication method has […]

Industry 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

industry 4

The use of intelligent digital technology in manufacturing and industrial processes is referred to as “Industry 4.0”. Among the technologies it incorporates are industrial IoT networks, AI, Big Data, robots, and automation. Smart production and the construction of intelligent factories are made possible by Industry 4.0. What is Industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 is transforming how […]

Unlocking the Power of NVR: What is NVR

Image By Sketchepedia

In an era dominated by technology, surveillance systems have undergone a remarkable transformation. Network Video Recorders (NVRs) have emerged as a key player in this evolution, offering efficient and flexible solutions for video recording and management. In this article, we’ll explore the what, why, when, where, and how of NVR technology. What is an NVR? […]

facial recognition technology


What is facial recognition technology(FRT)? A facial recognition system is a technology that uses a face analyzer software to detect, extract and identify a face from an image or a video frame, acquired in real-time through a capture device, against a large database of pre-existing facial information stored at an external server. How does facial […]

Is Facial Recognition Biased?

Image By vecstock

Facial recognition technology has gained significant attention in recent years for its potential applications in various fields, including law enforcement, security, and convenience. However, concerns about the fairness and bias associated with this technology have also emerged. This blog explores the question: Is facial recognition biased? We will delve into the factors contributing to bias […]

National Supercomputing Mission (NSM)

Image By vecstock

What is the National Supercomputing mission? India’s National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) is a pioneering initiative aimed at catapulting the nation into the forefront of high-performance computing (HPC) capabilities. Launched in 2015, this ambitious project spans three phases, each with its own set of targets in terms of computational power measured in petaflops and teraflops. In […]


high performance computing

In the world of computing, where speed and efficiency are paramount, High-Performance Computing (HPC) stands as a titan among its peers. HPC refers to the use of supercomputers and clusters of computers to perform complex and demanding computational tasks at speeds that were once considered unattainable. This blog will delve into the fascinating realm of […]

General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) and the Power of Parallel Processing


General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) leverages the immense parallel processing power of Graphical Processing Units(GPUs) to perform select functions that are traditionally suited to Central Processing Units(CPUs) like non-graphical computations thus providing significant speedup and performance improvements for various applications. In the realm of High-Performance Computing(HPC) which is the use of clusters of […]